Gesegnete Weihnachten

Liebe Familie und Freunde,

‚When you least expect it, something great will come along. Something better than you’ve ever planned. Be patient. Be smart. Stay focused‘

Das Jahr 2019 hielt viele Überraschungen und Wendungen für uns bereit. Magdalena hat sich lange und intensiv auf ihr Auslandsjahr in den USA vorbereitet und es hat gefühlt eine Ewigkeit gedauert, bis feststand, wann und wohin sie reisen kann. Nach dem ersehnten Anruf war sie innerhalb von zwölf Tagen auf dem Weg nach Texas.
Die HUGO Transformation hat eindeutig gezeigt, dass das neue Business Model erfolgreicher ist, als das traditionelle. Trotzdem hat es gefühlt das ganze Jahr 2019 gebraucht, um dies nun auch organisatorisch mit meiner neuen Rolle zu verankern.
Einige von Euch haben wir nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit wieder gesehen, neue Freundschaften sind entstanden.

Daher sind wir undenklich dankbar für eine Fülle an wunderschönen, unvergesslichen Momenten, die wir mit Euch gemeinsam und als Familie verbringen konnten. Ein paar Highlights findet Ihr wie immer hier, ebenso wie die aktualisierte Version hinsichtlich der Existenz des Weihnachtsmannes.

Wir wünschen Euch und Euren Familien gesegnete Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch in ein gesundes und glückliches Jahr 2020 – ganz im Sinne eines möglichen Purpose: ‚To Balance People – Planet – Profit‘, der auch im Einklang stehen kann mit den Global Goals der Vereinten Nationen.
Wir freuen uns auf viele Begegnungen mit Euch im neuen Jahr

Herzliche Grüße aus der Schloßbergstraße senden
Sonja, Michael, Magdalena & Greta

Ihr findet uns auch unter und speziell unseren US Korrespondent unter

Beeindruckt haben uns gerade noch die gemeinsame Erklärung des Papstes und des UN Generalsekretärs, anlässlich ihres Treffens in Rom, die wir gerne mit Euch teilen möchten. Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen …

Mr. Secretary- General,

It is good that we are having this meeting in these days just before Christmas. These are days in which we raise our eyes to heaven and commend to God those people and situations that are closest to our heart. In this gaze, we acknowledge ourselves to be sons and daughters of one Father, brothers and sisters.
We give thanks for all the goodness present in this world, and for all those who freely give of themselves, those who spend their lives in service of others, those who do not give up but keep trying to build a more humane society.
We cannot and we must not avert our eyes from forms of injustice and inquality, the scandal of world hunger, poverty, children who die because they lack water, food and necessary care.
We cannot avert our eyes from abuse of any kind against our children. Together we must combat this scourge.
We cannot close our eyes before those of our brothers and sisters who, because of conflicts and acts of violence, dire poverty or climate changes, leave their countries and often meet with a tragic fate.
We cannot remain indifferent when human dignity is trampelt and exploited, when human life is attacked, whether that of the unborn or of any other person in need of care.
We cannot and must not look the other way when in many parts of our world the followers of different religious confessions are presecuted. The misuse of religion to incite hatred, violence, oppression, extremism and blind fanaticism cry out to God, as does the use of religion to force others into exile or to marginalize them.
But the arms race and nuclear rearmament also cry out to God. Not only the use but also the possession of nuclear arms is immoral; they have such a great destructive capacity that even the mere possibility of an accident respresents a baleful threat for humanity. May we not remain indifferent before the many wars stope being fought, in which so many innocent people die.
Trust in dialogue between individuals and between nations, in multilateralism, in the role of the international organizations, and in diplomacy as an instrument for appreciation and understanding, is indispensible for the building of a peaceful world.
We need to realize that we belong to a single human family and to care for our earth, which in every generation God entrusts to our care so that we can cultivate it and hand it down as legacy to our children.
A commitment to the deduction of polluting emissions and to an integral ecology is urgently needed: let us do something before it is too late.
May we also hear the voice of all those young people who help us to realize what is happening in today’s world and who ask us to be peacemakers and builders, all together and not individually, of a more humane and just civilization.
May Christmas, and ist authentic simplicity, remind us that the most important thing in life is love.

Thank you very much, Holy Father, for your very warm welcome.

Your Holiness,
you are a messenger for hope and humanity, for reducing human suffering and promoting human dignity.
Your clear and moral voice shines through, whether you are speaking out on the plight of the most vulnerable, including refugees and migrants, confronting poverty and inequalities, appealing for disarmament, building bridges between communitities, and of course highlighting the climate emergency through your historic encyklical, ‚Laudatio Si‘, and so many other vital efforts.
These messages coincide with the core values of the United Nations Charter, namely to reaffirm the dignity and worth of the human person.
To promote love of people and care for our planet.
To uphold our common humanity and protect our common home. Our world needs that more than ever.
Coming to Rome from the COP25 in Madrid, I call on all countries and on the Globe to commit to carbon neutrality by 2050, in line with what the scientific community tells us is necessary to rescue the planet.
Your Holiness, I am very grateful for your exceptional Global engagement and strong support for our work in the United Nations including your memorable visit to the UN headquarters in 2015, as the world reached agreement on the Sustainable Development Goals, our blueprint for a fair globalization.
And our meeting is especially meaningful during this Christmas season. This is a time of peace and goodwill and I am sad to witness Christian communities including some of the old, world’s oldest, unable to celebrate Christmas in safety.
Tragically, we see Jews being murdered in synagogues, their gravestones defaced with swastikas; Muslims gunned down in mosques, their religious sites vandalized; Christians killed at prayers, their churches torched. We need to do more to promote mutual understanding and tackle rising hatred.
Your Holiness, I want to express my deep appreciation for your extraordinary service in promoting interfaith relations, including your landmark declaration with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar on „human fraternity for world peace and living together.“ This declaration is extremly important when we see such dramatic attacks on religious freedom and the live of believers. The United Nations has also launched a plan of action to safeguard religious sites and strategy to combat hate speech.
In these turbulent and trying times, we must stand together for peace and harmony. And this is the spirit of this season. And that is reflected in your vision, guidance and example.
My deepest thanks to you, your Holiness, and my best wishes to all those celebrating, for a Christmas in Peace and a blessed New Year!

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